CBH Wellness Solutions
Char Bowman Haskell, HTCP Awareness - Healing - Transformation
2023 Power of Self-Care Series
Workshops, Practicums, meditations
Join me for The Power of Self-Care Series
7 Chakras, 7 Weeks
Meditating On and Understanding Each Chakra
Empowers You to Take Control of Your Health and Healthcare
ONLINE VIA ZOOM starting June 1st
CLASSES - Coming Soon!
Reiki Level 1
Incorporate the Chakra meditations and workshops into your healing self-practice.
This ancient healing modality is easy to learn, and life-transforming to incorporate into your life. Join me and a fellow-practitioner for a coast-to-coast experience of self-healing and learning to share your skills and Reiki knowledge with others!
WORKSHOPS - Starting in JUNE 2023
Your Chakras, Your Health
Understanding Your Chakras
Empowers You to Take Control of Your Health and Healthcare
Your Chakras, Your Energy Field
Understanding Your Chakras
Empowers You to Protect and Strengthen Your Energy Field
Your Energetic Power Centers
An Introduction to Energy Work and the Chakras
Your Chakras, Your Body
Changing Your Mind About Your Chakras
Changes Your Mind About Your Body
*Please note: this is NOT the Level 1 Healing Touch coursework
60-minute workshops not only to help you on your path to better self-care but also as an introduction to the Healing Touch® modality. *Please note: this is not the Level 1 Healing Touch coursework.
Individuals receive training many valuable self-care techniques, including the Self-Chakra Connection (SCC). From a holistic perspective, the Healing Touch® Program's Self-Chakra Connection is one of the more valuable tools an individual can use to balance, center, and energize themselves. Individuals will be introduced to the chakras, the human energy fields (HEFs), and the use of a pendulum and a hand scan technique to assess the HEF both on others and themselves.
A gift to help you integrate the self-care techniques into your daily life;
A downloadable guide to help you add the Self-Chakra Connection to your Self-Care practice
A FREE 30-Minute Consultation to assess your needs and determine if Healing Touch is right for you
FREE Access to my Power of Self Care Weekly Chakra Meditation Group
Chance to Win a Personalized Crystal Amulet to use on your journey toward wellness.